Programmers Blog
How to reset Drupal 10 password in the database
When you get this message: There have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password.
Change fonts inside CKEditor 5 for Drupal 10
By default the CKEditor 5 does not offer the option to change fonts in Drupal 10. You can fix that by following the steps described here.
Symfony Bundles evolution
In Symfony, the structure of bundles and their registration has evolved over time.
Create an HTML page spinner animation using lottie
Lottie is an animation file format in JSON. It allows you to create and display vector animations in your web applications.
Webpack Encore
Require() vs import
To import JavaScript modules the require() is used, however it is a part of old CommonJS that was initially devised for Node.js (server-side JavaScript). After ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) got released the import keyword became the new standard.
Webpack is a Node.js module
In Javascript (on the website frontend) it is not possible to use the require keyword to include other .js files. Webpack solves this by bundling your JavaScript, stylesheets, images, and other resources into a single (or multiple) files.