Show every route inside your Symfony app, including your own.
./bin/console debug:router
Fetch a route using POST request
php bin/console router:match /api/songs/11 --method=POST
List services that can be autowired
php bin/console debug:autowiring (keyword)
List ALL services that can be autowired. Including the ones you have created.
php bin/console debug:autowiring --all
List all services (inside the container)
./bin/console debug:container
Show container parameters
./bin/console debug:container --parameters
Show Twig functions, filters and tests
./bin/console debug:twig
Check cache pools
./bin/console cache:pool:list
Clear application cache
./bin/console cache:pool:clear
Clear cache
./bin/console cache:clear
Warmup cache (can be handy on production)
./bin/console cache:warmup
Check the current configuration of a key. It also shows default values.
./bin/console debug:config key
Show all available configuration for a key (including examples)
./bin/console config:dump key subkey
Show all environment variables
./bin/console debug:dotenv
Create a secrets store on dev environment
./bin/console secrets:set
List all values from secrets store
./bin/console secrets:list (--reveal)
Database/doctrine commands
Install configuration file for docker database (mysql, mariadb or postgres)
./bin/console make:docker:database
Check environment variables that symfony binary is setting
symfony var:export --multiline
Create database:
symfony console doctrine:database:create
Create entity class:
./bin/console make:entity
Generate a migration file:
./bin/console make:migration
Execute the migration:
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Run SQL queries:
./bin/console doctrine:query:sql 'SELECT * FROM table'
Check migrations status (general info about the migrations system):
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:status
Check migrations list (shows all of the migrations and its status):
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:list
Dump SQL that will show what updates will be done to the database if your entity has changed:
./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
Add --env=prod or dev on the end of each console command to run it for a specific environment!